Saturday, January 26, 2008

where is everyone

Hey girls. What is going on. No one has posted all week and I'm a little worried. I hope everyone hasn't given up after girls night out. Usually everyone posts there progress throughout the week. I'm curious. I weighed today and I'm down another pound yah. I'm out of the 190's finally. Anyway, I'm hoping everyone is still doing well and keeping up on this fun journey of weight loss. I'm hoping to hear from everyone soon


arah said...

Sorry guys, i have just been so busy with packing and all, i haven't weighed myself...I have not given up, just other things on my mind. I promise to post Monday.

The Barney's said...

Hey Cindy, it's Lori here. Doesn't it feel good be down to the next numbers. You'll keep loosing and it is even more exciting the lower it goes. I love it! I have lost 9.2 lbs total but it was 11.5 lbs on Sat but of course being so happy for a 6 lb loss in 5 days, we ate out Sat. night and then I didn't count on Sunday so when I weighed this morning, now I am at a 3.11 loss instead. Bummed but ok with it. good luck this week!!